Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lucky's Burgers and Brews

Lucky's Burgers and Brews
The Chihuahua

I learned many important lessons tonight at Lucky's. #1 always check your camera to make sure you charged the batteries so you don't have to use your cell phone to try to capture the burger's essence.  #2  it's probably not a good idea to try a restaurant out for the first time on the night they are having a food challenge. #3 & most important Do not stand too close to the food challenge or you might get an up close look at the bucket being used. The challenge burger, the Grim Reaper, was a  most impressive burger. 4 lbs of hamburger, 1 lb of bacon, 3 fried eggs, 6 slices of cheese, onion rings and a giant bun. The cheesy tots as a side were just the nail in the coffin. No one was able to finish but a few made impressive progress. It definitely made my 7 oz burger pale in comparison. I must say the sweet potato fries were some of the best I have ever had. Very tasty, crisp and flavorful. The burger was tasty but not as spicy as I expected considering it had chopped green chilis, pepper jack cheese, and chipotle mayonnaise. Maybe it was the homemade guacamole that cooled it down. Either that or the 2 hour wait in the stifling heat would make anything seem cool in comparison. I look forward to trying out the restaurant again when they aren't so busy.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Marlow's Tavern

Marlow's Tavern
Tavern Burger

I was really looking forward to trying Marlow's burger. I had heard really good things about it and the sample food they were serving as a teaser before they opened was great. I guess I will have to try the restaurant again when they have been open a little longer, maybe they don't have their sea legs yet. I waited almost 40 minutes for a table but that is the usual for anywhere new in Forsyth county. I liked the way the had redone the inside of the restaurant. You  would never guess it used to be a pizza place. When my burger arrived, it looked good except (of course) they made my medium somewhere closer to hockey puck status. After a few bites, I decided the only flavor on the burger was apparently sealed in the outer layer, almost as if the burger had been dipped in some flavoring or rolled in some type of rub. Maybe they were so busy for opening week that the cook got distracted and dropped it in the grill. There was an odd taste, maybe it was cleaning fluid from the underneath part of the grill. I will come back again fr another try but mostly because I have a coupon.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Miller's Ale House

Miller's Ale House
Build a burger with onions, mushrooms & jalapenos

It is a sad burger day when the only thing good you can say about a burger is that they managed to serve it to you at the temperature you requested. I can't say the same for the other burger at our table. When the burger first came, I thought to myself "that is the biggest pile of mushrooms I have ever seen." I then realized that was my burger hidden in there somewhere. Basically it was a taste wasteland buried in onions, mushrooms & jalapenos. I thought it was impossible to mess up sweet potato fries but the dipping sauce that came with it was an unpalatable concoction of what tasted like whipped cream mixed with cinnamon. If you do have to eat here, just order the fries and think about dessert.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Five Guys Burgers and Fries

Five Guys
Hamburger all the way with jalapenos

The best part about a visit to Five Guys is the fries. I could eat the fries until my belly exploded. I always say I should share an order of fries with my dining companion but then I would have to share! The burger itself is less than memorable.  The burger is not very flavorful. I always have to add the jalapenos to have some flavor but I am always full of fries so I don't mind as much. I was going to give blood so I needed to make sure I had lots of yumminess in my tummy to keep my iron levels up so they wouldn't reject me. I fully recommend a beefy burger as prep for a blood letting but try to make it a tastier one so that it is worth it.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Joey D's Oak Room

Joey D's Oak Room
Oak Room burger
**** 1/2

The restaurant itself is very beautiful. Everything oak (I assume) and huge windows, so that it almost felt like we were eating outside. The highlight of the restaurant is their bar. An enormous lighted glass art display that the bartender has to climb a ladder to get the "top shelf" liquor. The kitchen/grill area is an huge glassed in area in the center of the restaurant. You can watch your food being prepared and smell all the delicious options. The waiter informed us that the burger would be charred on the outside to seal in juices. Juicy it was indeed! A great burger, full of flavor. The table was covered in juice that spilled out from the first bite so definitely recommend eating it over the plate. My only regret was not ordering some honey butter croissants. I had a bite of one and it was delicious too but I probably would have to eat my burger without the bun if I ate a plate of croissants as an appetizer.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Village Tavern

Village Tavern
Mustard-Pepper Burger

This restaurant is always a treat to visit because of the ambiance. You expect something with tavern in the name to be a little seedy. Instead, everything is very modern looking and you almost feel like you should be in a chalet in the Alps or something. The food is always super delicious. I always like the hot crab dip with little garlic toast points even if you do have horrendous breath afterward. They recently started offering sweet potato fries as a side so you know I am loving that! The fries were crispy, salty and sweet at the same time and I didn't let a single one go to waste. The burger is marinated and covered in black peppercorns with a mustard sauce so it clears the sinuses. That just means you can taste every bite that much better. I have never had enough room for dessert but they have some tasty sounding treats that I hope to try some day.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Zebb's (Take 2)

Jalapeno burger
First off, I want to apologize for the slightly blurry picture but that is what happens when you drink 2 large beers before you attempt photography. I really do love this place. It reminds me of a toned down Vortex Grill for families. Same sassy attitude, great burgers but Zebb's definitely tops them with the fresh fries. I couldn't resist and that's why you see very few in the picture. This burger is topped with all of my favorite things in life: Grilled jalapenos, crispy bacon,
sautéed onions, Pepper Jack cheese. If there was a way to throw Brad Pitt in there too, I'd be in heaven! If you are in the area, I highly recommend this place. It has been one of my favorites since high school and you have to be doing something right to be crazy busy with business for that long.


Bruschetta Burger

In all the time this restaurant has been around, I always thought it was pronounced "Jen-tiles" like a non Jewish person. Turns out, it is pronounced "jen-teels" or maybe my Mom was just pulling my leg. She has been known to do that. I thought the restaurant was really cute and had cleverly decorated a brick wall with window frames to give the illusion of a possible view.
First off, any restaurant that gives you fruit salad as a side with a burger should be applauded for trying to keep my cholesterol from flying through the roof.  Secondly, it was really delicious fruit and potato salad. I am easy to please, give me meat, give me potatoes and I will smile. The burger was topped with feta cheese & bruschetta (or chopped tomatoes as those of us less civilized call it). The unusual part was that it was served open face on flat bread/pita. I thought the rest was great but the bread was a little too tough and chewy to be enjoyed  but the burger made up for it. We also had some really good bread & dip that has me sneaking back to it. I will have to see what other culinary treasures they can come up with the next time I am in town.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ted's Montana Grill

Ted's Montana Grill
Avalon burger

I had to try this burger because it was the Ted's version of my fave burger from Cafe di Sol with a few tweaks.  Gruyere cheese with a little bit of blue cheese, bacon, caramelized onions, garlic aoli, arugula on an onion bun. Because that wasn't enough onions, I also got a half order of onion rings. Gosh those are giant there! I really enjoyed the burger (and I was glad my purse was well stocked with gum for my breath). It still doesn't hold a candle to my fave but it is much closer and a nice substitute when I don't feel like driving 2 hours.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Nook

The Nook
Half-Pound Burger classic

I was so disappointed when I first got to the restaurant because I had seen the fishbowl drinks on the menu online and been trying to decide which to order for the rest of the day. Little did I know, but they have so much alcohol that legally they can't sell it to just one person. So no fishbowl for me. A fact I was really glad of later when I actually saw one and realized how big they were. The Nook is really proud of their tots but I was not impressed. I'd rather just have a fry then a clump of battered potato but to each their own. The Nook really needs a bigger parking lot. I got there at a ridiculously early time and the lot was full about 30 minutes later. The burger wasn't horrible but it certainly wasn't anything I would go out of my way to order. Next time I am going to be in Piedmont Park I am going to make whoever is with me get a fishbowl just so I can try it. Even if they don't want to drink any of it. They can be my designated drinker. :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Flavors of Forsyth Fest

Ted's Montana Grill
Bison Burger Slider
Pretty tasty for a small bite. Definitely the best looking and tasting burger of the festival. That isn't really saying much though. 

Slider with cheese
 I had hoped for more but now I know I don't need to waste my time and tummy space going down to the restaurant. Very dull with the only flavor coming from the grill grease.

Back Yard Burger

I think was my biggest disappointment since my tummy used to growl every time I drove by the restaurant picturing a bunch of burgers grilling in someone's backyard. The burger seemed to be a frozen patty and maybe it was just because it was a festival slider but you would think that would be the time to really pull out all stops. Woo people in that hadn't tried it before instead of convincing them there was no need to spend money at the restaurant.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Fannie's on the Beach

Fannie's on the Beach

I know, I know. I should be shot for ordering a burger at the beach. I should be eating fresh seafood which is what they are known for. It's my birthday weekend and I can do whatever I want. Plus I had quite a few of Fannie's really excellent Bloody Mary's. The burger was just ok but I recommend lots of Bloody Mary's while standing on their deck overlooking the ocean and listening to whatever band is playing. If you are hungry order their pizza!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

755 Club at Turner Stadium

755 Club at Turner Stadium
755 Burger
After my burger the night before I was a little hesitant to order another at the field. However, this was probably my only chance to be at the 755 Club and their burger description sounded good. The $13 burger was definitely better than the $9 burger. You could tell right away it was better quality meat. The fries were dusted with something sweet and were really delicious but I didn't realize under afterward it was a $2 upcharge to get fries instead of chips. Everything was really fresh. The service leaves a LOT to be desired. I am not sure how many tables she was waiting on but I only got 2 glasses of water during an 85 degree day sitting in the sun. I recommend the burger and hopefully you'll get a better waitress.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Turner Stadium concessions

Turner Stadium concession stand
I know not to expect anything great from a concession stand. You would think for $9 it would be slightly tastier but then you really can't get too hopeful. I waited in line for 45 minutes to get this burger that really didn't taste like much. At least the lettuce was fresh & crisp. I can mark this one off my list and try something else my next visit to the stadium.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cafe di Sol (round six)

Cafe di Sol
Andy's burgers
I was worried when I first heard they were changing their name to Cafe 640 that it might affect the food but so far the name change isn't complete but the menu is still all my favorites. Andy's burger is just a mouthful of heaven. I look forward to every visit and I I have even fantasized about getting one of the apartments across the street so I can eat all my meals there. Of course, I would end up looking like the girl in Willie Wonka that gets taken away for dejuicing. As usual, the food was awesome. I savored every bite. I barely could spare a taste for my friend so he could see what he was missing out on. He had been going on about the fish special he was eating until he tried the burger. I think I have created another Cafe di Sol fan. Maybe i can start a fan club. :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Twisted Taco

Twisted Taco
Fully loaded burger
I braved tornado warnings to meet some friends for margaritas and tacos. Once I read the description though, I couldn't resist trying the burger instead. An 8oz Angus beef patty, with Applewood-smoked bacon, mushrooms, American cheese, pepper jack cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, pickles, mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup. The fries were dusted with seasoning. It was tasty but it wasn't the best burger ever. It was a filling meal, more food than the tiny tacos.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Steakhouse burger
Half-pound burger with a  toasted bun, seasoned fries. I had another hard day of hiking before hand and we stumbled into Longhorns because it was the first place we passed. The burger was tasty but it could have just been because I was starving. I usually look down my nose at chain restaurants but they do know how to make something with some good flavor.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Fado's Irish Pub

Fado's Irish Pub
Smithwick's Mini Burger
I needed something in my stomach to fully recover from St Patrick's day celebrating. I met some friends for drinks & appetizers at Fado's since it was probably packed to the rafters the night before. Little miniature ale-flavored beef burgers topped with Guinness mayo, pickles, onions and melted cheese were irresistible to me. They turned out to be pretty tasty also. I now know that is a restaurant doesn't have a burger on the menu, I could be happy with their sliders appetizer. Maybe skip the giant bun and eat it like a tasty meatball.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Meehan's Public House

101 Slider
A tasty little treat topped with Boursin cheese, tomato jam & pickles, I thought it tasted tangy but never having had Boursin cheese before maybe it was that adding the extra flavor. I would have preferred a real burger but this little mouthful was a good start. I don't get to Meehan's very often so I thought I'd better go for this while I was there. As you can see by the finger for comparison in the picture, it really is just a mouthful.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cafe di Sol (round 5)

Cafe di Sol
Andy's Burger
Since my mother & grandfather were visiting from out of state, I had to take them to my favorite place. Of course my grandfather thought it was too loud in there but it was just typical background music playing. My family did agree though that the food was super delicious. I was bummed out because they said they had a busy lunch and were out of fries for about an hour so I had macaroni and cheese. it was tasty but I like their little skinny fries better. The burger was, as usual, a work of art. Delicious aioli sliding out the sides while the burger itself is heaven in my mouth. I kept going on about how delicious everything there is, so we decided to split dessert, Grandpa couldn't believe how giant it was. The brownie sundae is another highly recommended item from Cafe di Sol.  I never leave there without rubbing my tummy full of delicious treats. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Atlanta Aquarium Café Aquaria

Atlanta Aquarium Cafe Aquaria
Not the worst hamburger I have ever had, typical assembly line/cafeteria fare although slightly tastier. I was just happy to have options. I was even able to get some Sun Chips and a cookie to go with it. Also, though it was from a cafeteria line it was actually one of the few actually medium burgers I have received and I didn't even get t request that. I recommend packing your own food for the Aquarium but if you have to eat while you are there at least it won't be without flavor.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mazzy's Sports Bar and Grill

Mazzy's Sports Bar and Grill
M.O.A.B. Mother of All burgers
Marinated in garlic powder and Worcestershire sauce for alot of flavor,  bacon, American cheese and alot of grease make for a mouthful of yum. Crispy fries top it off. Every time I have had this burger, the name alone makes me giggle. If you do not like cigarette smoke this bar is definitely not the place for you. It is a sports bar so there are usually a good number of smokers around you.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I was supposed to be meeting a bunch of people for dinner here and either I couldn't find them or no one else showed up. It wasn't a wasted evening though because I got to try a Metro martini from the $5 special section. Pinnacle citrus vodka, triple sec, lemon juice and grapefruit juice mixed together for a really fresh fruity taste. The burger had lots of option so I went with the Certified Angus beef that had chuck & brisket mixed together. It had a roasted red pepper on it, pesto, and pepper jack cheese. I give them big bonus points for the sweet potato fries. Maybe it was the second Metro martini that made me appreciate it, especially since when I went to use the bathroom i was stumped.  The bathrooms are hidden behind a heavy metal beaded curtain but that was the easy part. I stood inside the curtain looking at 2 glass doors lit from within but not seeing any indication of which was which. I was about to just give it a go thinking they were unisex bathrooms like on Ally McBeal when I finally spotted two small wooden tiles labeled M and W that saved me from stumbling into the wrong bathroom.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

B. Merrell's

B. Merrell's
B. Merrell's burger
No matter how good this burger might have been it was bound to be a disappointment because I had looked forward through an entire 10 mile hike to a Ranger Burger from Four Winds Cafe and then discovered when I pulled up out front that they were not open on Sundays. We ended up at this restaurant at the recommendation of someone local. The burger is slathered in BBQ sauce and topped with cheddar cheese and bacon. It was a decent burger but all I could think of was how delicious the Ranger burger would have been. Big steak fries were a good carb topoff from an  exhausting day of heavy duty hiking.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hudson Grill

The Flamethrower
How could I resist anything called a Flamethrower? Especially when I could get it with sweet potato fries! Crispy fried jalapenos, pepper jack cheese,
3-Mile Island sauce and chipotle mayonnaise to top it off. Of course, after drinking beer for 4 hours at the Beer Carnival anything would taste great. It was tasty and I think I enjoyed it. I do know I needed 3 glasses of water when eating it to put out the fire in my throat.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Flying Bisuit

Flying Biscuit
Devil Burger
I was hoping to find a delicious burger and some type of really fresh bun. Instead I got a veggie and grain patty topped with feta cheese, red onions, smoky jalapeno sauce, lettuce, and tomato. It wasn't very spicy and definitely wasn't very burger tasting. I think I will stick with the biscuits here instead of anything labeled burger in a veggie restaurant.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Canyons Burger

Canyons Burger
Black Diamond burger
Black Angus burger with bacon, sauteed mushrooms and blue cheese crumbles. Sweet potato fries can never go wrong. I also had a yummy shake but the burger itself wasn't as tasty as I had hoped. You would think with all that freshness & tasty things on it, it would be really delicious but it was just ok. I definitely wouldn't go out of my way to eat there but it is definitely better than a fast food place.

Friday, February 4, 2011

TJ's Sports Bar and Grill

TJ's Sports Bar and Grill
TJ's burger
A very disappointing burger from a crowded sports bar. This burger had very little flavor although the onion rings were good. It's hard to mess up batter & grease. I was annoyed that jalapenos were extra since i was already paying extra for onion rings. Cest la vie. At least I know a few answers at trivia.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cafe di Sol (Round 4)

Cafe di Sol
Andy's burger
What a better way to start the best day of my life than to start off with an Andy's burger with all of its' deliciousness and then off to the Beer Fest. I also tried the cheese & truffle mac which was tasty. I was a little rushed for time so I burned my mouth shoveling in tasty cheese goodness. So I cooled off my mouth with house made limoncello. Everything I have tried there was super delicious. Whenever anyone asks my fave burger or restaurant I have to choose this one.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Vortex Bar and Grill

The Vortex Bar and Grill
Black 'N' Spicy Burger


I'm really glad I don't live closer to the Vortex or I might be one of those people that need the side of their house removed so that they can go somewhere. I definitely would be rolling on a Rascal. I had totally planned on hitting the Vortex before the Blue Man show and jamming out on a full belly. Alas Atlanta traffic disagreed with my plans and I had enough time to park and run to meet the rest of the group at the Livingston. Time for an awesome apple cocktail and then off to the show. So my tummy was growling big time before I made it to the Vortex. It was a crowded Friday night and I squeezed up to the bar to order. I am trying to make my way through all of their burgers so I went for the Black 'N' Spicy to warm me up. Covered in Cajun spices, blackened and topped with roasted red peppers & pepperjack cheese it seemed like perfect option of spicy without being painfully hot. A side order of sweet potato fries and a granny smith Woodchuck cider rounded out my Death Row final meal wish list. The girl sitting next to me was a Vortex virgin so I gave her a few pointers. You can never go wrong with spicy, burger, sweet potatoes & apple products in some combination

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Buns & Shakes

Burger & Shakes
16 Oz Round Brown


Let me start off by shouting to the rooftops about how great this restaurant is: delicious food, GREAT prices and friendly folks. I was really hesitant about coming because all the stars seem to be fated against it. I found the restaurant on Scout Mob and thought  "this sounds like just my kind of place". I punched it in the GPS and headed over only to realize I had left my purse at the last place I had been. I rushed back hitting every red light along the way and getting stuck behind a million people that decided to turn left at the last minute or without a signal. I considered just giving up and going home but had my tummy growling thinking about the burger and yummy shake options. Then I got stuck behind the street cleaning crew all the way down the street. I m so glad I persevered! First off, Sundays it is free parking on the street in front of the restaurant. It is in the midst of the Ga State campus so I am sure they get a lot of student crowd. There was tvs to watch the game and many drink options. I went straight for the big guns with the 16 oz burger and was ecstatic to see they had sweet potato fries. The BEST sweet potato fries in my life I might add! Although I thought the caramel dipping sauce was too sweet but a little bit was definitely a treat. Speaking of treats, the Snickers shake I had while waiting for my burger was full of chocolaty, chunky goodness. The burger was 2 giant 8 oz patties with crisp Romaine tucked between the buns. Very juicy and flavorful. This might just be silliness on my part but I loved the sink in the bathroom and all the record albums decorating the joint. Definitely not an "upscale" kind of place but a place to get tasty food and a fully belly. I was glad I had the Ipod set on dance playlist for the drive home to try to work off some of those calories.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Bocado burger stack

I had been looking forward to eating at Bocado as it had been mentioned in a few of the best burger lists for Atlanta. I got to the restaurant about 30 minutes after dinner started so I almost had the place to myself. It is very open and chic looking. It looks like there is a nice patio for when the weather is nicer, as well. I was very excited to see JK Scrumpy on the beer menu since I didn't think I would see it outside of the Chicago area being an organic cider product. The waiter was very nice and got excited when I told him I was doing a burger blog. He said their burger was "layers of flavor" and that people would say "if they had a better burger they couldn't remember it".  I was certainly eager to try it after the hype. On first glance I was a little disappointed because for a $12 hamburger you do expect it to look really good. I really think it tasted and looked a lot like a Whopper without the special sauce. Two very thin, greasy burgers with unmelted American cheese squares plopped atop. I actually thought the burgers were pieces of bacon when I first saw them. Also he had twisted my arm (not very hard) to get the garlic fries instead of the regular but failed to mention it was a $1 upcharge. I realize that isn't much but considering how un-garlicy they tasted I didn't think it was worth an extra $1. I definitely would go back for the atmosphere, friendly folks and JK Scrumpy but I wouldn't try the burger stacks again. I guess the stack in the name should have been a clue.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mimi's Cafe

Mimi's Cafe
Mimi's classic burger


First off, Mimi's is a carbaholic's fantasy. We were greeted with a basket containing fresh rolls, banana bread and some other sweet, delicious bread. My friend insisted I must try the fried pickles which I still think are gross but they did look like they were done well for being fried pickles. I did really like the coleslaw, kind of sweet and peppery. The burger was very juicy and tasty. Something so nice about a burger that can be delicious without a lot of toppings. I was really glad I wasn't sitting closer to the kitchen so that I avoided the jambalaya bath when there was a big collision.  

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cafe di Sol (Round 3)

Cafe di Sol
Andy's Burger

Every time I am here I am amazed by how delicious everything tastes. This time I started off with the Ropa Vieja which is slow braised shredded beef flank steak on tortillas with jalapenos, chedder cheese & chive sour cream. Delicious, I could have eaten them all night. I also tried the home made limoncello, super delicious as long as you didn't get your nose in the glass because then all I could think of was strong lemon scented cleaning products. I'd like to try something else off their menu but the burger is so delicious I don't want to miss out on it. I have a similar problem when I go to an Indian restaurant, I know what I like  and i like it so much I don't want to try anything else because I am afraid it won't taste as good. I wished I had room for dessert but the appetizer and  fries filled every space the burger wasn't occupying in my belly. I think I might end up here every month.