Sunday, July 24, 2011

Miller's Ale House

Miller's Ale House
Build a burger with onions, mushrooms & jalapenos

It is a sad burger day when the only thing good you can say about a burger is that they managed to serve it to you at the temperature you requested. I can't say the same for the other burger at our table. When the burger first came, I thought to myself "that is the biggest pile of mushrooms I have ever seen." I then realized that was my burger hidden in there somewhere. Basically it was a taste wasteland buried in onions, mushrooms & jalapenos. I thought it was impossible to mess up sweet potato fries but the dipping sauce that came with it was an unpalatable concoction of what tasted like whipped cream mixed with cinnamon. If you do have to eat here, just order the fries and think about dessert.

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