Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Bruschetta Burger

In all the time this restaurant has been around, I always thought it was pronounced "Jen-tiles" like a non Jewish person. Turns out, it is pronounced "jen-teels" or maybe my Mom was just pulling my leg. She has been known to do that. I thought the restaurant was really cute and had cleverly decorated a brick wall with window frames to give the illusion of a possible view.
First off, any restaurant that gives you fruit salad as a side with a burger should be applauded for trying to keep my cholesterol from flying through the roof.  Secondly, it was really delicious fruit and potato salad. I am easy to please, give me meat, give me potatoes and I will smile. The burger was topped with feta cheese & bruschetta (or chopped tomatoes as those of us less civilized call it). The unusual part was that it was served open face on flat bread/pita. I thought the rest was great but the bread was a little too tough and chewy to be enjoyed  but the burger made up for it. We also had some really good bread & dip that has me sneaking back to it. I will have to see what other culinary treasures they can come up with the next time I am in town.

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