Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Nook

The Nook
Half-Pound Burger classic

I was so disappointed when I first got to the restaurant because I had seen the fishbowl drinks on the menu online and been trying to decide which to order for the rest of the day. Little did I know, but they have so much alcohol that legally they can't sell it to just one person. So no fishbowl for me. A fact I was really glad of later when I actually saw one and realized how big they were. The Nook is really proud of their tots but I was not impressed. I'd rather just have a fry then a clump of battered potato but to each their own. The Nook really needs a bigger parking lot. I got there at a ridiculously early time and the lot was full about 30 minutes later. The burger wasn't horrible but it certainly wasn't anything I would go out of my way to order. Next time I am going to be in Piedmont Park I am going to make whoever is with me get a fishbowl just so I can try it. Even if they don't want to drink any of it. They can be my designated drinker. :)

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