Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rusty Nail

Red hot burger
Rusty Nail


I started smiling as soon as I saw the stained glass Elvis on the front door. Obviously somewhere with that much taste & decorum has a lot going for it. Once inside, there are small wooden booths that almost resemble thrones. I resist the urge to whip out my Sharpie & add to the colorful graffiti that surrounds me. I am fascinated by the apparent fishing network programming going on & I am so fascinated I miss my mouth & get wing sauce down the front of my shirt. The mashed potatoes have a few lumps in them & I gobble them down in a few seconds. The burger itself is grilled exactly how I asked for- medium (sad when you it happens so rarely you get excited by it). The burger has been doused in wing sauce and then piled high with jalapenos. Luckily the waitress was quick with refills on my big glass of water although I question her judgment when she reveals she is a vegetarian. (The horrors!) There is plenty of good people watching to be done while I am enjoying my burger . All together a very good burger but if I was to eat there again I'd get it to go since I smelled like smoke for hours after I left.

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