Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ann's Snack Bar

Ghetto Burger
Ann's Snack Bar


I walked up to the front porch of Ann's Snack Bar fully prepared to wait the expected 3 hours I had heard about. I giggled when I saw the posted rules and heard Miss Ann yell at customer after customer for daring to try to enter before there was a stool available. I only had to wait 10 minutes for a seat and received my burger within 25 minutes of sitting. I watched as a giant pot of meat was brought out and handfuls of meat were scooped out and covered in onions on the grill. When my enormous mountain of a burger was placed in front of me I cut it in half and managed to take two bites before I gave up and switched to using a fork & knife. I immediately thought of George Costanza which caused more giggles since Miss Annis known affectionately as the "Burger Nazi" referring to the famous "Soup Nazi" of Seinfeld fame. Be patient and, if possible, come prepared with a fan since there is just one small window a/c unit. The good part is, I think I sweated out as many calories as I took in. All in all, definitely worth it and I probably won't need to eat again for a few days.

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