Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cafe di Sol (round six)

Cafe di Sol
Andy's burgers
I was worried when I first heard they were changing their name to Cafe 640 that it might affect the food but so far the name change isn't complete but the menu is still all my favorites. Andy's burger is just a mouthful of heaven. I look forward to every visit and I I have even fantasized about getting one of the apartments across the street so I can eat all my meals there. Of course, I would end up looking like the girl in Willie Wonka that gets taken away for dejuicing. As usual, the food was awesome. I savored every bite. I barely could spare a taste for my friend so he could see what he was missing out on. He had been going on about the fish special he was eating until he tried the burger. I think I have created another Cafe di Sol fan. Maybe i can start a fan club. :)

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