Sunday, July 24, 2011

Miller's Ale House

Miller's Ale House
Build a burger with onions, mushrooms & jalapenos

It is a sad burger day when the only thing good you can say about a burger is that they managed to serve it to you at the temperature you requested. I can't say the same for the other burger at our table. When the burger first came, I thought to myself "that is the biggest pile of mushrooms I have ever seen." I then realized that was my burger hidden in there somewhere. Basically it was a taste wasteland buried in onions, mushrooms & jalapenos. I thought it was impossible to mess up sweet potato fries but the dipping sauce that came with it was an unpalatable concoction of what tasted like whipped cream mixed with cinnamon. If you do have to eat here, just order the fries and think about dessert.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Five Guys Burgers and Fries

Five Guys
Hamburger all the way with jalapenos

The best part about a visit to Five Guys is the fries. I could eat the fries until my belly exploded. I always say I should share an order of fries with my dining companion but then I would have to share! The burger itself is less than memorable.  The burger is not very flavorful. I always have to add the jalapenos to have some flavor but I am always full of fries so I don't mind as much. I was going to give blood so I needed to make sure I had lots of yumminess in my tummy to keep my iron levels up so they wouldn't reject me. I fully recommend a beefy burger as prep for a blood letting but try to make it a tastier one so that it is worth it.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Joey D's Oak Room

Joey D's Oak Room
Oak Room burger
**** 1/2

The restaurant itself is very beautiful. Everything oak (I assume) and huge windows, so that it almost felt like we were eating outside. The highlight of the restaurant is their bar. An enormous lighted glass art display that the bartender has to climb a ladder to get the "top shelf" liquor. The kitchen/grill area is an huge glassed in area in the center of the restaurant. You can watch your food being prepared and smell all the delicious options. The waiter informed us that the burger would be charred on the outside to seal in juices. Juicy it was indeed! A great burger, full of flavor. The table was covered in juice that spilled out from the first bite so definitely recommend eating it over the plate. My only regret was not ordering some honey butter croissants. I had a bite of one and it was delicious too but I probably would have to eat my burger without the bun if I ate a plate of croissants as an appetizer.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Village Tavern

Village Tavern
Mustard-Pepper Burger

This restaurant is always a treat to visit because of the ambiance. You expect something with tavern in the name to be a little seedy. Instead, everything is very modern looking and you almost feel like you should be in a chalet in the Alps or something. The food is always super delicious. I always like the hot crab dip with little garlic toast points even if you do have horrendous breath afterward. They recently started offering sweet potato fries as a side so you know I am loving that! The fries were crispy, salty and sweet at the same time and I didn't let a single one go to waste. The burger is marinated and covered in black peppercorns with a mustard sauce so it clears the sinuses. That just means you can taste every bite that much better. I have never had enough room for dessert but they have some tasty sounding treats that I hope to try some day.