Friday, July 23, 2010

AMC Fork & Screen

Blue Max burger
Fork & Screen

I love this place but then I love movies and burgers. How can you go wrong when you can watch a great movie, push a button and have someone bring you a burger & drinks at your ultra-comfy seat? The theater is tucked away in a plaza in downtown Buckhead, if you are at the theater it is free parking but God help you finding your way back to the car or worse out of the parking lot afterward. The do offer outside seating but since it was 100 degrees, we sat at the bar waiting for our movie to start seating. Once inside the theater, an efficient waiter quickly makes his way through our section taking orders. If you need refills or anything else during the movie there is an ominous red button on the table that will summon him immediately but I have never needed it because they usually check back if they notice your glass is empty or your plate. For a movie theater it is amazing food & prices. I always end up with the Blue Max burger which is a beef burger with Gorgonzola crumbles, lettuce, tomato & creamy blue cheese dressing on a Kaiser roll. This, however, was the first time I actually saw my burger other than the dim outline of it during the movie since I took a photo. Definitely an experience to try at least once, although I don't recommend getting dip. My first trip to the Fork & Screen decorated my purse.

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